Friday, 4 November 2011

Production: Still photos of the editing process with written support: Teaser trailer

Step 1.

We captured the footage we filmed by clicking 'File' and then 'Capture'.

Step 2.

We wanted the shot to fade to a white background so first we went to 'Video effects' and then clicked the file 'Lens flare'. We dragged this onto the shot, which gave us effect controls. We then clicked 'Key frame' and got the red line at the start of our footage which put a small key frame at the start.

Step 3.

We then dragged the red line to the end of the shot, and clicked key frame. We altered the brightness of the lens flare untill it was completely white.

 Step 4.

We made this shot black and white by clicking ‘Video effects’, then went to the file ‘Image Control’ and clicked on the black and white icon. We then dragged this over onto the clip we wanted black and white and this gave us effect controls so that we could alter the lighting. We liked the black and white effect as we felt it showed that it was back in time, and showed the difference between the shots in the present which were warm and bright, compared to these shots in the past which are colder colours to indicate that something bad happened in the past.
 Step 5.

In order to make this shot look more professional and impacting, we increased the saturation. To do this we went on video effects, then clicked colour pass. We went down to saturation and dragged it right untill we felt the shot looked more professional.

                                                                                           Step 6.

We decided that for the end of our trailer we wanted it to be very effective and build up tension. Therefore, we chose to make 4 or 5 clips, and put them into a flash effect so that the editing was quick paced. To do this we took the most important part of the clip and shortened it down to just a second each. This way, the audience got to see some clues to the storyline but the clips were so abrupt it didn't give anything away.

Step 7.

We wanted the title of our film to have impact. Therefore, we chose to have an effect of the intertitle where the writing appeared in a backwards fade. To do this, we created a black video, we then went to effect controls, where we clicked anchor point. With the key frame we took the clip to the start and released the key frame, then we moved the red line to the end, changed the anchor point and clicked another key frame.

Step 8.

Intertitles were a big part of our trailer and so we wanted them to be effective as possible. We decided to add a zoom effect so that they begun small and grew to a readable size. We liked this effect as we felt it went well with the genre by adding to the fear and suspense. To do this, we went on effect controls, we then went to scale. Released the key frame at the start, and made the text small. We then took another key frame to the end of the clip, where we increased the text to a readable size. This created a zoom effect.

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