Thursday, 1 December 2011

Research: What is the difference between a teaser and a trailer?

A teaser trailer is a short trailer that is designed to entice and build up 'hype' for a film. It can be released months before the release date of the film or even years in order to make the most potential target audience for the film.Whereas, a theatrical trailer is much more in depth and offers s a lot of insight into the film, in order to bring people to the cinema to come and watch it. A theatrical trailer has usually been created at the end of a films production and therefore shows a lot of scenes from the film itself,unlike a teaser which is made before the movie and therefore shows little scenes from the actual film as its only purpose is to give a little taste of the film rather than in-depth storyline.

A theatrical trailer will give more information about the exact release date of the film such as the month or even the day, whereas the teaser does not share any information other than the basis of the film. Therefore, a teaser is much shorter than a normal trailer as its sole purpose is to 'tease' the audience. This means it last from 60 seconds to about 90 seconds, unlike a trailer which will run for 4 or 5 minutes.

Although a teaser ceases circulation when the film starts getting exhibited, a trailer carries on playing through out this period aswell.

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