Sunday, 30 October 2011

Evaluation: Question 3: What have you learned from audience feedback?

Audience feedback had a significant impact on our production process. We gained a lot of feedback via questionnaires at the start of the project.  For example, we asked the audience what they looked for in this genre and what they expected, in order to give us ideas for what to feature in our teaser trailer.
After filming our first idea for our teaser trailer, we captured the footage and edited it on premiere pro. We weren’t entirely sure that the idea had been a success so we decided to take audience feedback from our classmates in order to see what their reactions were. 
Here is the first draft we made for our teaser trailer:

A lot of the feedback we received for the production was via interview with the spectator who then gave us verbal feedback. We felt this was the right way to gain feedback as opposed to a questionnaire as they could communicate their thoughts and be more detailed than they could be on a piece of paper.
Other classmates said they were not sure of the link between our characters, they felt that the genre was not portrayed as there were not enough conventions and overall, thought our trailer could be improved. We took these comments on board, and decided to develop our idea and change the layout of the trailer. We built upon the initial idea, and finished up with a complete different filming location for the second shoot. As the audience felt there were not enough conventions present in the first draft, we chose a house, which had dark lighting, a long hallway and black stairs, that all represented the psychological thriller genre well. After filming here, and doing a first edit, we asked some more classmates their opinion.
Feedback was positive which showed that we were on the right track but a comment we received was that we should make some shots a different colour, so that you know they are in the past in contrast to the present. We thought this comment was true and decided to put the flashbacks in black and white, as this fitted the genre well. 
We also received comments suggesting that we add music that built up suspense, therefore when searching for the music for our trailer we looked for spooky, dramatic music that would make our teaser trailer extremely effective.
When we had finally finished editing our teaser trailer and were happy with how it looked, we decided to take audience feedback from members of the public. Even though our target audience were people aged 15-35, we decided to take feedback from the largest target of our target audience which were people aged 15-20. We showed members of the public our trailer and then asked their opinions, whilst asking questions that related to our project. We shot this in a cinema as a news report.

A lot of the feedback was positive, and every person we questioned said they would want to go and watch it. They also said features such as the lighting and sound were particularly effective, showing that we didn’t have to make any improvements to our trailer. We received constructive criticism highlighting that the dialogue could have been stronger and there could have been more of it.
Overall, audience feedback played a significant role in our we modified our trailer and met and challenged audience expectations. We took the comments into account and made various changes to the lighting effects, sound and genre conventions.  We gained this feedback in a successful way as all of the audience were honest and gave us constructive  criticism which overall helped to improve the quality of our trailer.

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